Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some of my school projects #1

I'm gonna show you some of my school works from time to time.

This one is my first 3D project for my 3D studies class. Before you go and complaint why is the boy sad, I have my reasons okay! First of all, his name is Sackie(I came up with it after I heard my lecturer say have to have a name for it when we are about to present our project, so last minute). Sackie is sad because he have to carry a heavy bag. It's like a schoolboy have to carry a heavy schoolbag and he's not happy about it. That's my story. Originally, it wasn't suppose to be a boy. It's suppose to be a cute bear carry a bag but I changed it last minute. It became a boy carry a sack. My lecturer is only impress about the sewing I did on the box. Everyone thought I use machine to sew but I used my hand. That's why it took me that long to finish it.

This one is for my design theory class. Basically we are asked to do a design made from shapes, lines, etc. and paint it using black, white and grey poster colors. I did enjoy making this because I design tribal designs in my part time(I should show you some of my designs some day). We were suppose to design ten and use one as the final product and chose this because my lecturer like this. Haha.

So, yeah, this are some of my works. I will show you some more when I finish it. I am currently doing my second 3D project so I should have a post about it in a month's time. I could post it earlier but I don't want you seeing it before my lecturer. Haha.

Have a nice day!
*Oh ya, recommend some projects I should do that you want to see*

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